Nov 5, 2004

TGIF (even though I sort of hate that expression)

It has finally gotten cold here, and about time, too. Being able to go out in a tank top on Halloween just felt wrong somehow. All those memories of my parents making me cover my whole costume with a big coat because it was so cold out, perhaps?

I am going to be alone in the office again. It is a nice break from taking down requests all day. Now the only time I have to steel myself for orders is when my boss's cell number shows up on the Caller ID, and that only happens a couple of times a day. Wheeeee, NPR! I'm sure there are little organizational things I could / should be doing right now, but I just can't be bothered. Am so burned out. Have not had any substantive time off (like, more than a Federal Holiday) since last Christmastime, and it's starting to get on my nerves.

I like how people are still wearing their Kerry / Edwards buttons around the city. I think it would be fun if we all just kept wearing them until the next election, as a show of solidarity and protest. A symbol of the resistance, if you will! That is my big idea so far for how to keep the Democratic Party spirit alive during this dark time.

Okay, I do have one interesting thing to write about. I met this guy while out for Halloween last weekend. He was dressed as Slash (I was the Devil) and we talked and he was perfectly nice, but I'm not interested in him in that way at all. However I gave him my number when he asked, because I am a dumbass. So of course, according to Murphy's Law, he called. (Why are the guys you are actually attracted to never the ones who call? Is so frustrating.) We agreed to go out this Sunday, and I tried to be, um, breezy on the phone, but I assume he's wanting to be more than friends, so I think that, in the interest of not leading him on, I am going to have to tell him straight away that I don't.

Now, was I even being fair to have agreed to go out with him? Should I have just told him all this on the phone, so that he could have decided then whether he felt like even seeing me or not? Ack, is so tricky. I would know what to do if I didn't wish to see him in any way, but he was a fun guy and I'm all about making new friends, so I didn't want to blow him off completely. Dating is weird. I need, like, a handbook or something.
