I think I'm overthinking this...
One of the movies I watched over the weekend while waiting for my gums to heal was The Shop Around the Corner, which is the original version of You've Got Mail, and takes place in Budapest in the days of yore. It was on TCM or AMC, so before it started an elderly suited man did a little introduction. Apparently when the movie first came out, everyone was uncomfortable with Jimmy "American Guy" Stewart playing a Hungarian. It sounded as if this was quite the worldly role old Jim had taken on, which made my mom and I kind of excited.
But the dialogue was all unaccented American English. I watched the entire thing (shut up) and it was pretty cute (shut up more), but there was nothing specifically Hungarian about any of it. The setting was this little olde-tyme leather-goods/novelty shop that could totally have been 1950s New York.
I guess people got all huffy just imagining Jimmy Stewart anywhere other than America...? I don't know.
It doesn't really matter. Mostly I just wanted to write an entire post that contained no mention of food or eating, because I think I am becoming tiresome with all my "IeatsomuchIamalardasspig" posts.
So there you go.
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