Pass the Tums
I think over the past two days I have eaten enough to satisfy a small lion. Friday's dinner party was great, once it got going. Two people showed up, like, 5 minutes after I walked in the door from work, and I had to throw together some drinks and appetizers and park them in the living room with music and magazines while I STARTED chopping and preheating and boiling things for the dinner. Some of which I could have done the day before, but I hadn't, and consequently all conversations for the next hour consisted of my peeking my head around the kitchen doorway while stirring something and being like, "What magazine are you guys talking about? Oh yeah, Lucky never has articles."
But whatever, more people came, and the pasta thing ended up pretty good, and we drank lots of vodka-and-cherry-limeade drinks, and watched St Elmo's Fire, which was howlingly dramatic (and therefore awesome), and afterwards talked for an hour, inexplicably, about toys from childhood and our Worst Babysitting Stories. We ate half a ton of cookies and creme ice cream and then they left.
Then last night I went to my friend Poppy's house, and I have written about her Great Boyfriend Drama of 2004 here, and apparently the Drama is still at a fever pitch, because her ex-boyfriend was there for the dinner! Which she had warned me about in a voicemail, but still, it was surprising, since he had been so livid and everything.
We ate a great big dinner that could have fed a small continent (such as Europe, or Antarctica, if we're going by population size and not square footage). It was delish. We had crackers and hummus and red wine and tomato mozzarella salad and risotto and shrimp grilled with Old Bay. And for dessert, more red wine. Then Poppy and I went out for a drink (?!? I don't know either), and she tried to convince Boyfriend to come, but he was tired from the food, and we just left him there in the apartment. That was when I found out that he's sort of moved back in, but hasn't helped out with the rent or bills. And when they went food shopping for that night's dinner, he put things for himself in the cart, but hadn't paid for any of it. And they were sleeping together again, but he "wasn't going to call the two of them a 'couple' just yet." I was like, are you shitting me with this shit? I mean honestly. The Boyfriend is a nice enough guy to talk to and hang out with, but knowing that he's taking advantage of her in fourteen ways simultaneously just pisses me off.
After all the drinks I went home and ate more of the cookies and cream ice cream, because it just seemed like the right thing to do. I don't feel so good today, and I bet my gall bladder is exhausted. I am going to have to treat it with kid gloves for a while, and eat nice mild things that don't require lots of digestion. Like, you know, ice cream.
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