Aug 10, 2004

Office space

It's kind of a letdown to be back in the office again. I mean, as much as I bitched and moaned about how hard being on-site was, I do prefer those conditions to sitting on a computer for eight hours, answering phones and emails, and shuffling papers back and forth.

When I got in this morning, my email wasn't working, and I had to IM my boss, who is on vacation with his family (and yet, still online. Sad, yes?), to get him to reset the settings. When he fixed it I got a little message that said "Receiving email 1 of 38..." and I almost had an aneurysm over IM. Of course he mocked me. He always does. It's true; my 38 emails in a week are no match for his (allegedly) 60 emails a day. But that is why he makes the big bucks, while I have to sell a piece of furniture in order to do laundry.

Just in case any of you (or, you know, both of you, to be technical) are worried about my latest work screwup, it's been fixed. Turns out the guy left his guitar at a different hotel. One at which he was not staying. I mean, of course! Why did I not think of that? Silly me, to think that he would have left the guitar with the bellhop at his actual hotel.

God, people are weird.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get about 15 spam emails a day, but my boss? He too claims he gets at least 100. Whats up with that? hummm - Zoot.

August 10, 2004 at 8:30 PM  

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