Jul 23, 2004

Rockin the lat pull machine

The gym. Exercising. Being tired. Being sweaty. Being...not home on the couch watching The Golden Girls on Lifetime. I am a lazy lady.

Last night I dragged my ass in there though, because I hadn't gone in 3 days and was already becoming lethargic. Since I am such a wuss that when I get the tiniest bit tired I'll just slow down, I prefer taking a class to voluntarily using The Machine of Tedium and Pain (which you might know as "the treadmill"). I need incentive to keep moving, and being surrounded by other sweaty people seems to do it.

But Thursdays there are no good classes, so I was on my own. Ah, crap.

I was doing well though. I did some running, some stepping, and some elliptical...ing. And then I noticed it was raining pretty hard outside, and of course it was the first day of the week that I had not carried an umbrella around all day, so I had some time to kill. So I did a whole second workout of weight machines, guys! And it felt good, damn good. At this rate I am going to be a fitness machine.

Ooh, look out everyone - I think my biceps just twitched.



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