Jul 15, 2004

I can multi-task

So, that trip I booked last week for my coworker Canvas was cancelled. I'm sort of disappointed he's not coming, because I don't know him all that well but he's a pretty funny guy, and I'm sure he and my boss and I would have gone out for a drink after work. Oh well. Here is the IM conversation we had while I was on hold with the airline:

Me: geez canvas, you are so fickle

Him: oh i know
Him: when you get to be 100 years old like me, you'll understand...

Me: i am playing a tiny violin for you!

Him: not too loudly, please -- loud music makes me nervous!

Me: invest in earplugs

Him: eh?

Me: earplugs! you know...to make the music quieter...
Me: i wasn't trying to be rude, just kidding

Him: oh puhleeze!!!! i was just being OLD... like "eh? can't hear you!"

Me: o my god - i fall for that joke, literally, EVERY time someone says it to me!
Me: it is my achilles heel

Him: game set and match to the sassy one in DC!!!

Me: d'oh! leave me alone. it is embarassing being so gullible

Him: thanks for the laughter... i'm sure you know that we've been moving so fast there's been no time for giggles!

Me: yr welcome! don't make yrself crazy. later skater


Me: i am on hold cancelling your flight!!!!
Me: i will be here forEVER

Him: it's always my fault isn't it?

Me: stupid wacky hold music.

Him: tiny violins? (what you send out comes back to you, you know...)


Me: god bless ata for being easy to deal with. i am now going home!

Him: ciao, bella!

Me: adios amigos!



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