Oct 5, 2004

You can find me in rural Montana

This is the last time I will ever speak / think / type the words phone or Chicago. I am going to be like Thoreau and live in the woods, and commune with birds while I sit and whittle by a lake.

The Chicago girl just called me and asked what was going on. As I gave her the rundown, she just laughed and laughed (!!!), as if avoiding such a saga had not been the very reason for all those emails I've sent her over the past month. I am glad my pain amuses her. But maybe she is showing early signs of schizophrenia? I know that one characteristic is reacting to a situation with the inappropriate emotion. (I learned this in Psych 101 so it must be true.) Perhaps this is all a cry for help on her part? Hmmm, tricky situation.


Last night I went to the gym and when I got home I ate a pretty normal dinner, but then I ate an enormous chunk of cheese, for no reason at all. I couldn't stop! It was like I was possessed by Satan! Why does that happen? It only happens with cheese and its products, such as Cheese-Its and pizza. Weird. Do you guys have certain foods that force you to eat them by the metric ton?
