Sep 27, 2004

Weekend o' Wine

Hurrah! I have great hair now. It is all fixed up and exactly what I wanted. When I got to the salon, Devil Haircutting Girl was actually standing outside smoking (ha!), and my first instinct was to turn and run. Thankfully I did not, because that Alex guy gave me the best haircut ever. Also thankfully, his hair station was way far away from hers, because I would have had a nervous breakdown sitting near her the whole time. She kind of gave me the evil eye as I left, but she is obviously crazy, so whatever. I don't even feel bad that her manager was going to "reprimand" her, because she did it to herself, because she is crazy.

So then I went to painting class, where I produced the fugliest piece of "art" that has ever existed. Portraits are hard. Mixing flesh tones is hard. And next week we are moving on to figures, so I had better get better at painting large expanses of skin real fast, if you know what I mean.

At night I went out with some girl friends and we had Ethiopian food and wine, and then we went full-on bar-hopping. It was a long night. I spent Sunday wolfing down Advils. Also Sunday my mom came over and she dyed my hair, which I have been planning to do for a long time and it is only coincidental that all this hair stuff fell on one weekend. (I do not usually devote entire weekends to getting myself all fixed up, just so you know. Not that there's anything wrong with that.)

My hair is HOT now. It is floppy and cute and wine-colored. Ugh, wine. My head hurts just thinking its name! Cruel seductive wine.
