Sep 1, 2004

No more waterfalls in my bathroom

Okay, so. To update you from last time, I did play pool with my boss. It was actually very fun and he told me all sorts of nice complimentary things about how well I am doing and how much he appreciates my help, etc etc. When I got home my bathroom was all patched up. Heavy on the patched part. One would think that when repainting a white ceiling, white paint would be the obvious choice, but one would be wrong. Apparently, dark grey paint is the pony to bet on for such a situation. Grrrr.

Then I went upstairs and knocked on PM's CMM's (Poor Man's Chad Michael Murray's) door. It sounded like there was a TV on inside so I knocked a second time really loudly, but no answer. So then I got a little paranoid that he saw me through the peep hole and was avoiding me, because he finds me annoying and/or unattractive, and was just being polite the night before. So I ran back downstairs. But then I started watching Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion, which I love, and it gave me the courage to write a little note asking if his house is fixed and thanking him for calling maintenance, and to slip it under his door.

Hours pass...

My phone rang right before I get into bed. (Actually that is a total lie. I had been in bed for ages but am just embarrassed that I go to bed so early. Most people my age are probably just doing their first hit of E for the night when I am getting into bed.) He said he'd just gotten home, and that he was glad my ceiling was fixed, and his faucet was fixed too, blah bling blah. At the end he said something like, "Well, I guess I'll...see you around the building, I hope?" and I said, "Yeah, I hope so too," and then we hung up.

So I am no closer to getting a date. I am at a loss. I hate asking guys out, but my boss thinks that that time has come.
