Oct 10, 2004

Bless you, clear liquid

I am up all early and stuff because I am an old lady and have lost the ability to sleep in. Tragic, I know. (Bono should organize an aid concert for me.) Am listening to Luscious Jackson and debating whether to do laundry or not. I love doing laundry and I usually do it at this time of day on a weekend, but I hate having to get dressed to go to the communal laundry room. Oh, who am I kidding, I usually just put a bra on under my pajamas and go that way. I have no shame! It doesn't really matter anyway, because I'm the only one in the entire ten-story building who does laundry this early.

So, let's see, what else? Well, Friday I did to to Crapitol Hill with a girlfriend and this guy she knows from Pittsburgh, where they both used to live. He is awesome to hang out with, because she and I have known each other since second grade but he just fits himself perfectly into our conversations, so it is never an awkward "two people talking with one left out" situation. The only bad part is that she thinks he is interested in her that way, which she does not reciprocate, so whenever they make plans I and/or my other friend Poppy always come too, to act as a Buffer Against Him Making a Move. I have advised her to keep saying things to him like "I'm so glad we're friends," but I don't think he's totally gotten the hint yet.

Anyway, we had a great time. We ended up staying in this one bar all night, until 2-something, and by then we had drank a LOT. They had beers, but I don't really care for beer so I had vodka tonics. And I think I had four. Four vodkas! That's a lot for me for one night! God, how geeky do I sound right now? Shut up, me.

But vodka truly is the Miracle Liquor they say, because when I got home I had some water and Advils as a preemptive strike, but in the morning I actually felt fine. The vodka must have just blended seamlessly with my body and all the cells took it in like a long-lost friend or something. Excellent! Lovely good vodka of the no-after-effects.

Saturday is my three-hour painting class, and it was the second part of a three-part figure portrait project. I am very happy with how my painting is coming along. This is a nice change from the LAST portrait I did, which ended up looking like an android, or when they recreate faces on crime shows and you can tell that the skin is made from latex and the eyes from glass.

I am trying to be good with money so I stayed in last night. I just got indian food and ate and painted some more and watched The Royal Tenenbaums. (I think I would like having one signature outfit that I wore every day. It would make me feel like an action figure, such as She-Ra.)

And guess what? I just checked email and my boss sent my two coworkers and me (that looks weird but I think is gramatically correct, yes?) an email that said "Oh yeah...Monday is a holiday. Work if you want to." ROCK. ON. Also: hmm, three guesses as to what we will all do?
