Nov 12, 2004

Al the news that's fit to print

My umbrella was nowhere to be found today, the one morning I actually needed it, so I was forced to wear my Emergency Backup Slicker buttoned up to my chin. I spent the entire walk peeping out from under the hood like a little mole. I was hoping that I had left my umbrella at work, but alas, no. This is odd. Where could it be? Umbrella, come back to me!

Also, by yesterday afternoon I was sure I was home free from that guy Slash calling me again, since our date had been on Sunday. So wouldn't you know, he called. In a moment of chickenshitness, I had programmed him into my phone as DONT ANSWR, so that I could just let him leave me a message or two, then get the hint and quit calling, but in the end I decided that that was too cold, and I had to just tell him. So I answered, and we made small talk, and then he asked me if I wanted to go out for a drink this weekend, and I took a deep breath, and then...the phone at work rang. So I had to put him down, answer the phone, deal with that, then pick up the phone and tell him I wasn't interested in going out again. Like, how many indignities could I put this guy though with one phone call? He has to hold for like thirty seconds and then get dumped? Yikes. Sorry, Slash, wherever you are...

So, what else? Oh, Wednesday evening I stayed really late at work and sent off some jpgs of my paintings to some local galleries and art dealers that I had read about on a local artist listserve. And then when I got into work Thursday, I had a message back from one of them, but it was sort of sketchy. Like, the email address I had sent to was, and the reply contained my original message, but the address it had come from was all crazy, like It was a spammy type of address. Also, the reply was just "Great to hear from you. Please send more images." I'm thrilled that this dealer is interested if this is all legit, know. It seems weird. So I sent some more images and we will see, I guess.

That's all I got.
