Fucking striped chair fabric
Ugh, I am so pissed off at myself. I found out a few weeks ago that the school where I take my Saturday painting class is putting our stuff up in a little show in December, and the deadline for our submitting pieces for consideration is this Saturday. I knew that I still had work to do on this one portrait that had started out pretty well, but I totally underestimated how much, so I only just started on it yesterday. After spending hours on it, it still looked like crap. I was starting to get sort of worried about it, because it's oil paint, so it needs a long time to dry; I can't keep working on it all week if I have to bring it in Saturday. So, since I also am totally burned out and haven't been sleeping well and am starting a cold, I took today off to keep working on it.
Well, I have put another couple of hours into it and I still hate it. I don't think I'm going to be able to get it to the point where I would feel okay showing it in public. Argh! I am just so frustrated with myself and my stupid procrastination. Also what totally frustrates me about it is that the face, which is the most complicated part, came out really nicely, and it's the stupid chair the model was sitting in, with all the fabric draped over it in little folds and undulations, that looks really bad and amateurish. Stupid-ass chair! I am almost tempted to cut out the head part of the painting and just submit that.
So, damn. The only painting I am going to submit is the one we just finished with the male figure model. Ah well. At least I'm having a day off!
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