J'aime my kitten heels!
I am so totally dressed up today. It is very exciting and thrilling for me. Am even wearing my big-girl shoes that make clicky noises when I walk down the sidewalk, which I think is so hot. Every time I wear them out, I realize how comfortable AND hot they are, and I decide to wear them all the time, but then the next morning rolls around and I just put on my red Chucks, like usual.
However today I look like an Ann Taylor billboard, as most of my nice clothes are procured during Ann's lovely wonderful sales. Although I don't think the Ann advertising team would ever outfit their models in exactly the outfit I am wearing, as it technically does not match (plum-colored dress and a light pink cardigan), but I think it looks pretty cute and punky together, especially with my plum hair.
Oh my god! Am so excited for the eating! And the drinking! And also, slightly further down the list, the conversation! The new guy we hired in Chicago is here and he is so funny. Lately we have been IMing each other in French. He is much better than me but my crappy conjugations don't seem to have driven him crazy yet, so I am getting some good practice time in during work hours. Oh, my college professors would be so pleased! In school I was always That Girl Who Sat Waaaay at the Back and Hid Her Face So As Not To Be Called On, and consequently when I later tried to use my meager French skills on the streets of Paris, people usually gave me a kindly look and answered in English. (To be completely truthful, I was grateful.) Ah, those kindly Parisians.
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